Thursday, August 11, 2011

Car Shopping

Car shopping brings dread for a lot of people… me included and I LOVE cars! I like learning about them, I like driving them, I like to compare them and even with those likes I still dislike buying cars. 

There's so many unknowns when it comes to car shopping. You have to make all these decisions, spend loads of money and be happy with the car!

Should I buy New or Used?

If used should I get it from a private seller or a dealer certified or a used car lot?

Do I get a car or an SUV (or a van or a Ferrari)?

What color should I get?

What options do I HAVE to have?

And about a billion more questions….

So my husband and are considering buying a new (to us) car and I thought I would share my journey with you

We finally decided to bite the bullet and get another car and the first question that he came up with was:
"What kind of car do we want?" then Answered his own question with "I'm thinking a convertible"

My first question was:
"What's our budget?" then said "We live in a place that snows for 5 months of the year we don't want a convertible!"

Here's what I know from my research / experience with cars so far

  1. New cars are becoming more affordable than used cars - when a statement like this is made what's being considered is depreciation plus the fact that most new cars are coming out with better and better warranties. However I'm still undecided on whether I want new or used… 
  2. I don't want a car older than 2008 that's about 3-4 years old
  3. It must have navigation unless the car is so incredible and for such a good deal that it's worth overlooking the navigation
  4. It needs to be a 4-door (sedan) or small - medium SUV (no Excursions please!)
  5. It should be black, silver, dark blue or white
That's my list so far. 

The next thing I'll do is go online and try to narrow down to 2 or 3 different car options. 

One I'm interested in now...

pic from here
2008 Audi A4 Quattro 

It's 4 door
It isn't too old
It has all wheel drive
And it comes with Navigation

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How To: Check Your Tire Alignment

Tire alignment is one of those things you always hear you should check and fix and do or whatever but here is the reason it's so important.

You can get loads more miles out of your tires if you ensure they are aligned properly and aligning your tires ensures that all four of your tires are pointing in the right direction and sitting level on the ground. What happens is as you drive and go about your driving day you might go over a pot hole too fast, bump a curb a bit too hard, take a speed bump (or hump for those int'l drivers) a little too fast or some other extra force is applied to the tire in one spot for some reason or another. Now you should know that it's not that easy to knock your tires out of alignment - it does take some force but not necessarily an accident.  When increased force (like above)  is applied to the tires they slowly and slightly get pushed in a different direction. Maybe the left front tire will slightly point inwards, maybe the back tire will slightly  push out on the bottom or whatever.

These slight changes in alignment cause the tires to wear unevenly. Think of if like your shoes. After you have had them for a while you can start to notice where you put more pressures on the shoes. The back of the heel looks more worn down the rest of the heel. This one area that is extra worn out on your heel means you have to replace the whole shoe sooner.

The tires on your car are the exact same (in this aspect at least) in that when extra pressure is applied to one area of the tire then it will wear down faster and you will need to replace the whole tire sooner.

So the gist of it is, if you can keep your tires wearing evenly then they will last longer saving you time, money, hassle and that hour and a half of sitting at the tire shop reading old issues of people magazine.

How to tell if you need a tire alignment:

Here's the thing. Your tire alignment should be checked regularly like every time you rotate your tires (another way to lengthen the life of your tires)

But there are also some signs that perhaps it's time to get your alignment checked.

  1. You were in a small accident or fender bender. They'll probably check the alignment when you get any body damage repaired but you will want to double check. Or better there's not damage to the body that needs to be repaired then run it to your local tire shop for a quick check. 
  2. When you are driving the car pulls to the left or the right when you take your hands off the wheel. The best way to do this check is over a few different roads because often the roads them selves are not flat and will pull the car to the left or right on their own. But if you are driving straight down a road you should be able to hover your hands just above the wheel (don't take your hands completely away from the wheel as you want to maintain control of the car at all times) and the car should continue to go straight and not veer to the left or the right.
  3. When you are driving down a flat road and you grip the wheel it feels as if it is vibrating back and forth. It's key that you don't do this test on a road filled with pot holes, gravel, cracks, what have you. 

Basically checking your alignment and getting your tires aligned if necessary is an easy fix that will give your tires a longer life and more milage and any tire shop will be happy to help you out.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!